▪️We would like to warmly welcome a very special guest & good friend from South Korea, Grandmaster Kim!🎉

▫️The last time GM Kim was here in Sydney was in 2015 and after 9 Years, we are so pleased to welcome him back.

▫️GM Kim specialises in various Martial Arts, with the focus on Hapkido.🥋

▪️During his stay, our MKPTKD Community will have the great opportunity to learn from GM Kim, with his expertise and skill in Hapkido, Kickboxing, Sparring, Stunt Work and so much more!🤩

▫️GM Kim actually landed yesterday morning and could not contain his excitement to meet our MKPTKD Family and taught his first class yesterday afternoon!

▫️Some of our students got to have a little taste of what GM Kim’s classes will be like and oh my, you will be leaving the class sore and sweaty.🥵🔥

You do not want to miss out on the great opportunity to learn from Grandmaster Kim!❤️💙