As many of you may be aware, GM Dosa Kwon possesses various significant positions in the Pro Tae Kwon Do Community not just within Australia but Globally. 

We are proud to share that back in July, as the President of the International Pro Tae Kwon Do Federation (IPTF), GM Kwon travelled to Ethiopia, Addis Ababa to launch one of the biggest Martial Arts Competitions in Africa!🌟

The Competition went on across 4 Days, 27th~30th July 2023 where all Grand Masters & Influential Members from across the globe, as well as Local Members & Competitors ran non-stop to bring the event to a success. 

Furthermore, GM Kwon filmed more than 16 interviews and shows for numerous broadcasting stations and channels across Africa to share his influence and knowledge of Martial Arts as well as his big wishful plans to spread the Art even further. 

Head on over to “International Pro Tae Kwon Do Federation” Facebook Page to check out some more photos and videos from the awesome event.