Exciting News Everyone!

▪️Throughout the years, we have been receiving multiple requests and questions about when we will be coming out with jackets.🤔

▫️Guess what!

▫️We are finally releasing our Official Master Kwon’s Pro Tae Kwon Do Academy’s JACKETS! WOOHOO🥳

▪️We have just received the sample version of the jacket and it will be on display at the Dojang so make sure to check it out the next time you come into class! 

▫️On the official jackets, the pockets will have zippers!🙌🏻

▫️In the upcoming weeks, you will also have the opportunity to try on what size you would like to order

▪️Stay tuned for further information and updates on our jackets✨

❗️For members of our Demonstration Team AND Students who will be competing in Tournaments/Competitions, Jackets will be COMPULSORY. 

▫️We can’t wait to see you all rocking our new official jackets, either to & from class, when you’re out & about, or just throughout your daily routine!🤩

▪️As always, thank you all so much for your never-ending love and support. We truly appreciate it and it gives us a lot of strength❤️